There are many opportunities for music-making at school. From Reception, Music is a timetabled subject taught by a specialist teacher. The curriculum includes activities that illustrate important musical concepts and terms and introduces the children to significant composers and works.
In addition to whole class music lessons, pupils may choose to learn a variety of instruments, taught by experienced peripatetic teachers, who are all professional musicians. These instruments include flute, clarinet, piano, drums and guitar.
Great importance is placed on the enjoyment and appreciation of a wide variety of music, and children are encouraged to join the school choir and music clubs such as Music Technology. Musical aptitude is studied in Year 5 and children who wish to take examinations are encouraged to do so.
Children, teachers and parents enjoy the musical performances that take place at school during the year.

Visit Us
The best way to see the school in action is to book onto an open morning. These events last approximately an hour – you will have an opportunity to meet the Head and have a tour of the school led by the Year Six pupils. We look forward to welcoming you to Faraday soon.